To whomever is reading my blog right now to find a cure/something/ANYTHING to remedy their PD… first watch this video:  (I will explain later on in the post what has worked for me from incorporating this girl’s advice)

I have such low self-confidence because I feel like my PD is all anyone can see! Even when I wear makeup, it looks flakey and bumpy and that’s not a good look. Now everywhere I go and everyone I see, I only look at their perioral area and I’m just like, what a beautiful chin you have. I hope my advice helps everyone who’s reading this.

1) I recently bought a product (not a cream, more like a jelly that you make into an oil) called “Egyptian Magic” and I’ve read a LOT of reviews before making the jump. I don’t have to explain what makes this product so sought after, but basically it is all natural and instead of sitting on your skin, it gets absorbed into your pores. It’s got pollen in it so if you’re allergic – ABORT. But because it has pollen in it I guess it’s anti-bacterial (good for acne prone skin). I was so close to ordering it online on Amazon, except I did one of the smartest things ever and googled where I could find the product. It’s sold in Choices and Whole Foods (I live in Canada). Went straight after work to buy the last jar they had, then home to wash my face and slather this “magical” oil on my face. It definitely felt nice because my PD flare up had left the sides of my nose and chin feeling dry and tight, and looking a little flakey. I’m not saying this product works for perioral dermatitis, but I tried it and it helps relieve the dryness that we feel, plus it’s really nice overall for your face. It leaves a shiny glaze over your skin so it’s best used at bedtime. downloadI would be aware though, I did notice that I got more white heads on my cheeks after using this product so use sparingly. It’s just because it is quite heavy for pores regardless so I would mix this with a cream (I like Cerave for night-time and Cetaphil for day time).

2) So let’s get to that YouTube video. Honestly, that video was the first thing I watched when diagnosed with PD. It was very relieving to see and hear someone who has managed to not find a cure (there is no cure :() but found a way to help fix the situation and make it better. She advises basically 4 products: GENTLE CLEANSER; SELSUN BLUE; LOTRIMIN; NIVEA.

    •  This would mean Cetaphil gentle cleanser would do the job (don’t use anything foamy. Don’t remember where I read this but foaming cleansers actually dry your skin out a lot. And of course – please don’t exfoliate the areas where you have PD. I learnt this the hard way.
    • HOWEVER – after some extensive research, I’ve decided to ditch my Cetaphil and use SpectroGel Blemish Prone Skin Cleanser. This has MAD anti-bacterial properties that help clean your skin in a gentle way (it is clear, it has a medicine-y smell to it, and I used to use this as a cleanser as a kid when I had really bad eczema on my joints) It looks like the photo below. You should buy the Blemish one just because as I will mention later, acne is caused by bacteria. And PD is a mixture of rosacea, eczema and acne 😦 download (1)
  • Second: SELSUN BLUE
    • this is an anti-dandruff shampoo. She says it’s very important to have “Selennium Sulphide 1%” in the ingredients because that’s apparently what helps calm your PD! People also use this shampoo when they have other forms of dermatitis and chronic dry scalp etc. Honestly, PD is bad. But at least we’re healthy and alive and live in a beautiful world right? There are worse things… keep that in mind.
    • I use Selsun Blue as she advises. Basically my shower routine is get in, massage Spectrogel on my face. Rinse. Wash my hair and put conditioner in. Put Selsun Blue on my affected areas and don’t breathe in with your nose (it’ll go up your nose and that’s just the worst) and proceed to wash your body as you wait!
    • I then rinse the shampoo off my face with Spectrogel. And I repeat the Selsun Blue on my face for a shorter period of time but I definitely do this step twice for good measure.
    • I read in the comments that this shampoo is actually what she thinks is the most effective, and I trust her/and it seems logical to me. So that’s why I tried this product out and I don’t think there’s any harm!
    • I use the one that’s for Normal to Dry hair. It has Selenium Sulphide 1% on it and looks like the picture below
    • Because she puts athletes foot cream on her face… the reason why I got myself some PD is because I put anything on my face. I put HEAVY steroided creams on my face with no qualms. But I’m kind of sketched out by athletes foot cream. Just because I know there are medicinal ingredients in the product that are really harsh and I’m not sure how good that is for your already fragile skin on your face!!! She uses Lotrimin. I think it’s because it has anti-fungal properties which is good for counteracting the reason why we have PD around those areas, because acne = antibacterial problem, and I guess PD is fungal and bacterial (Perioral dermatitis is a mixture of rosacea, eczema, and acne) (lol. jokes on all of us that have the 3 worst things everyone fears to ever get on their face). If you try it out, let me know in the comments how it worked out for you please!
  • Fourth: NIVEA
    • I don’t really back this one. Just use any cream of your choice that you like, that is gentle, that is familiar. It sucks, because I realize with PD I can’t really use fun serums or anything new on my face just because it will likely trigger flare up.
    • For me, instead of Nivea, I’m using Cetaphil mixed with Egyptian Magic or Cerave mixed with Egyptian Magic.

I’m shelling out the big bucks for this frickin diagnosis. I ordered Mama Nature’s Proskin eczema cream which I have heard rave reviews for. It doesn’t target perioral dermatitis because nothing does, except maybe Osmia Organics, but I have yet to try that yet. When I receive Proskin, I will review it for you guys!

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